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Monthly Archives: February 2005

>I’ve been evaluating devices that allow me to carry my music around with me. I’ve been using the iPod for a couple of years now. I’ve listened to other people’s MP3 devices (crap). But, I have to write this, the Apple iPodshuffle is far better than anything I’ve heard! It’s amazing in this day and age, that somewhere (either in algorithms or electronics) there can be such a substantial difference in sound quality. What have they done? I don’t know, but, for example, listening to some Clapton tracks today on the iShuffle, I could even hear a conversation in the back during the recording! I have the same data on my iPod, but on that one it cannot be heard. Same thing if I take the original CD and play it in any of the Hi-Fi systems around the house – you can’t hear it. Most amazing though was, that when I was out walking my dog (as usual…), the iShuffle picked a track from my Final Year Project in 1975 (Radiata Mortificata, third movement). It sounded EXACTLY the way I remember it from mixing the master – reel-to-reel, tape 30 years ago. Apple! – you’re on to something good here 😉

[Steve Jobs, if you read this, we’re open for consultancy! I’d love to do a hack that contributes to Apple’s mission]

>Well, I strongly disagree with this concept. OTH, I’m very happy to have received a new Palm Pilot T5 and an Apple iShuffle yesterday. To me, they are not toys. They are both tools for work and objects for research. I’ll have to recompile my Palm OS code and see if my sound models run better and faster on the new CPU. With the iShuffle, it’s both data storage and handling music. It’s quite interesting to think about what you can do with such a minimal user interface – that has no visual display at all!.

>It’s been a fantastic weekend. Weather has been great – blue skies, sunshine, fresh air. Ireland won over Italy in the Six Nations today.

It started Friday evening, when I discovered that they had missed removing a metal staple from Mona’s navel. We went back to the hospital Saturday and it was easily done. Although both Friday and Saturday, I was feeling increasingly i’ll / a hundred years old / ready to collapse, after some serious rest on Saturday, Sunday turned out great and I feel much better.

The To-Do list is endlessly getting longer but at least I’ve started to give it a serious workout.

>So, this was the end of the Autumn Term. I’ve just finished marking exams and assignment.

As usual, most students don’t know or understand enough maths.

Some may believe they’d get away with anything, others despair.

Still, we have to put marks and grades on their efforts.